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Civil War Round Table of Kansas City

Links to Some of Our Favorite Sites

<<this web page is a work in progres>>

Beverly Shaw, treasurer of the Civil War Round Table of Western Missouri, maintains the best listing of local events of interest. Regularly check the calendar on their website to stay up-to-date.

The American Battlefield Trust preserves America’s hallowed battlegrounds and educates the public about what happened there and why it matters.

Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area is dedicated to building awareness of the struggles for freedom in western Missouri and eastern Kansas.

Freedom's Frontier Website

The CWRT Congress provides Civil War Round Tables with tools to help them expand their membership, reduce operating costs, have effective governance structures, develop meaningful partnerships and raise sufficient funds for quality programs and historic preservation.

CWRT Congress Website

Regional Battlefields

The Battle of Westport, fought October 21-23, 1864, was the last full-scale action of the Civil War in Missouri and west of the Mississippi.

Battle of Westport Website

On October 25, 1864, on the banks of Mine Creek, two Union brigades of approximately 2,500 troops defeated approximately 7,000 Confederates from General Sterling Price's Army of Missouri.

Mine Creek Battlefield Website

Pea Ridge was the most pivotal Civil War battle west of the Mississippi River and is one of the most intact Civil War battlefields in the United States.

Pea Ridge National Military Park Website

Wilson's Creek was the first major Civil War battle fought west of the Mississippi River, and the site of the death of Nathaniel Lyon, the first Union general killed in action.

Wilson's Creek National Battlefield Website

This park commemorates the site of the Battle of Prairie Grove, the last major Civil War engagement in Northwest Arkansas.

Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park Website

Civil War Round Table of Kansas City
4125 NW Willow DR
Kansas City, MO 64116

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