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Civil War Round Table of Kansas City

David Dixon Bio

David Dixon earned his M.A. in history from the University of Massachusetts in 2003. He has published numerous articles in scholarly journals and magazines. Most focus on Union sympathizers in the Civil War South.

David spoke at the 2016 Sacred Trust Talks in Gettysburg and has delivered nearly 100 talks to audiences across the country. He appeared on Civil War Talk Radio and other podcasts. He hosts B-List History, a website that features obscure characters and their compelling stories. You may download free pdf versions of his published articles on that website at

David’s latest book is the biography of German revolutionary and Union General August Willich and will be published by the University of Tennessee Press in September 2020. It highlights the contributions of more than 180,000 German-American immigrants to the Union effort in the Civil War. Transatlantic radicals like Willich viewed the war as part of a much larger, global revolution for social justice and republican government.

David is currently writing a biography of U.S. and Confederate Congressman Augustus Wright of Georgia.


Few remember Edward Everett's oration that preceded Lincoln's masterpiece, but hardly anyone is aware of Louisville, Kentucky native Charles Anderson's speech, which concluded the day's events.

In The Lost Gettysburg Address, Dixon argues that the three featured speeches need to be viewed as a rhetorical ensemble to understand both Lincoln’s iconic Address and the political context of the Gettysburg dedication.

The back story is the saga of Anderson himself, a slaveholder who sacrificed nearly everything to help Lincoln save the Union.


Website Administrator's Note: If you cannot make it to the meeting, YouTube has a video of David Dixon's talk on The Lost Gettysburg Address.

Civil War Round Table of Kansas City
4125 NW Willow DR
Kansas City, MO 64116

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