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Civil War Round Table of Kansas City

The mission of the Civil War Round Table of Kansas City is to promote historical, educational, literary, and preservation activities related to the Civil War.

565th Regular Meeting

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Please Note: Meeting/Dinner Starts 30 Minutes Earlier in 2024

Milburn Golf and Country Club 7501 West 69th Street, Overland Park, KS 66204 Social hour begins at 5:00 p.m. and dinner is at 6:00 p.m.

This meeting will include a plated dinner at a cost of $34.00 per person. Reservations are required in order to attend the dinner meeting.

Reservation Deadline: Tuesday, July 9th. To make a reservation, please contact Marlene Natoli (contact info in newsletter).

July 2024

Dr. Rebecca Jo Plant will be giving a  program titled: “The Problem of Underage  Enlistment during the U.S. Civil War.” Enormous numbers of boys and underage  youths served in the military throughout the Civil War. These young enlistees significantly enhanced the size and capabilities of the armies on both sides.

Dr. Plant is a professor of history and an 
Academic Senate Distinguished Teacher at the 
University of California, San Diego. Together 
with Frances M. Clarke (University of 
Sydney), she coauthored Of Age: Boy Soldiers 
and Military Power in the Civil War Era, which 
was awarded the Gilder Lehrman Lincoln Prize 
and featured in the Civil War Monitor as one 
of “Best Civil War Books of 2023

Dinner Menu

Milburn Golf and Country Club will serve the following meal at our dinner meeting: Caprese 
Chicken with roasted potatoes and roasted carrots. Dessert will be Lemon Italian Cake. All dinners are served with house salad with Milburn house dressing, sliced bread, iced tea, water, and coffee.

June 2024

Civil War historian and Round Table treasurer Dick Titterington gave a program titled: “The First Lost Cause: Confederate Missourians Exiled in Mexico.”

At the end of the war, between 8,000 and 10,000 Confederates went into exile in Central and South America. Many Confederates from Missouri chose not to surrender but decided to go into exile in Mexico. 

Dick told the story of Confederate Missouri leaders, Joseph O. Shelby, Sterling Price, and Thomas C. Reynolds, who chose exile in Mexico 
over surrender in the United States.

Click here for a summary of Dick's program.

CWRT KC Board Meeting

The next meeting of the Round Table’s Executive Committee will be held at 10:00 a.m. on June 8, 2024. The location of the meeting will be the Lenexa Library, located at 8778 Penrose, Lenexa City Center. 

2024 Civl War Wednesday Speaker Series

The Monnett Battle of Westport Fund is sponsoring a 2024 series of programs at the Westport Branch, Kansas City Public Library, 118 Westport Road, Kansas City, Missouri. There is no charge to attend. The programs are scheduled once a month from April through November. Click here to download a pdf of the program schedule.

Casualties of War: A Civil War on the Western Border Symposium

Freedom's Frontier and the Civil War Round Table of Kansas City are sponsoring a symposium on August 17, 2024 at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library & Museum. Tickets on sale now.

For more information and to register/purchase tickets please visit

Change in Dinner Meeting Start Time in 2024

The following change will take effect starting in January 2024: Social hour will be from 5:00-6:00 p.m. and dinner will begin at 6:00 p.m. This will allow Milburn’s staff and our members to get home at an earlier time.

Round Table Now Accepting Digital Payments

The Civil War Round Table of Kansas City now accepts digital payments via the Square digital payment processing service. This process is simple to use and secure. Square charges the Round Table a fee for this service. If you decide to use this service, we add this fee to the total charge. For more information, please refer to our Round Table Digital Payments page.

Book Auction

With apologies to our speakers, one of the highlights of each dinner meeting is the book auction led by Arnold Schofield.

Our monthly auction is on holiday for a while.

Newsletter Articles

Vicksburg, Mississippi

Click here to read the article that appeared in the May 2024 edition of the Border Bugle newsletter.

Click here to read the article that appeared in the June 2024 edition of the Border Bugle newsletter.

The USS Cairo

Click here to read the article that appeared in the July 2024 edition of the Border Bugle newsletter.

In Memoriam (Archives)

Remembering Colonel Jack Brooks on D Day

The following writeup is from Round Table member Don Bates regarding Colonel Jack Brooks, who served as president of our Round Table in 1987 and again in 1990.

On June 6, 1944 Captain Jack Brooks took an Infantry company onto Normandy Beach. He was in the first wave to storm Omaha Beach. The assault had the most casualties on D-Day. "We lost 48 men”, Brooks said, referring to his company of 140 soldiers. "Our regiment of 3,200 troops lost 35 officers and 950 men on the first day." His Division was the Big Red One out of Ft. Riley, Kansas. He was promoted to Colonel and served a tour of duty in Korea and two tours in the Vietnam War, before retiring in 1966.

Colonel Brooks received a multitude of decorations. Most notably, in 2011, he was awarded the Knight of the French Foreign Legion of Honor for his service to the people of France by the French government in a ceremony at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College at Ft. Leavenworth. This was for heroics on DDay, landing in the first wave on Omaha Beach with the Big Red One on June 6, 1944.

It was my absolute pleasure to pick Jack up and bring him to our Round Table meetings after he stopped driving. We always had meaningful conversations. Jack passed away January 13, 2020, at almost 100 years of age.

Member News

At the May dinner meeting, Gary Nevius announced that Arnold Schofield was in the hospital with serious back pain and surgery may be required. On May 22nd, Arnold said he had been in the hospital in Pittsburg, KS. Arnold said he woke up in the middle of the night with severe back pain and later had to call 911. He is currently in a Fort Scott skilled nursing and rehabilitation facility undergoing physical therapy. Arnold said he is being treated for spinal arthritic thrombosis, which is arthritis of the lower spine, inside of the spinal cord. Arnold said he will remain in the Fort Scott facility for the next couple of weeks. He hopes and prays that the physical therapy will help. Surgery is the last resort. Please keep Arnold in your prayers. 

We would like to welcome new member Bill Stilley. Bill is a lawyer and lives in Shawnee, Kansas. He has three great-grandfathers who served in the Union Army. 

New Members

These photographs were taken at recent Round Table dinner meetings . Please introduce yourselves and welcome our new members.

Battlefield Dispatches

"Battlefield Dispatches" made its first appearance in the Border Bugle with the December 2005 issue. The column was later given the label, "The Sergeant Major’s Roar." Over time, the Round Table's Website Administrator will be slowly all the "Battlefield Dispatches" which have appeared in the Border Bugle. The website administrator will enhance Sgt. Maj. Arnold Schofield's column with images where applicable. Just click on the menu item, Sgt. Major's Roar, to see the progress.

Civil War Round Table of Kansas City
4125 NW Willow DR
Kansas City, MO 64116

Email:          New Membership Application          Membership Renewal Form
