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Civil War Round Table of Kansas City

The mission of the Civil War Round Table of Kansas City is to promote historical, educational, literary, and preservation activities related to the Civil War.

568th Regular Meeting

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Milburn Golf and Country Club 7501 West 69th Street, Overland Park, KS 66204 Social hour begins at 5:00 p.m. and dinner is at 6:00 p.m.

This meeting will include a plated dinner at a cost of $34.00 per person. Reservations are required in order to attend the dinner meeting.

Reservation Deadline: Tuesday, October 8th. To make a reservation, please contact Marlene Natoli (contact info in newsletter).

October 2024

Dr. Thomas F. Curran will be giving a program titled: “Rebel Women and Union Military Justice: The Case of Drucilla Sappington.”

Dr. Curran earned his doctorate from the University of Notre Dame in 1993 and currently teaches American history at Cor Jesu Academy, a Catholic high school for girls in St. Louis, Missouri. 

Dr. Curran’s presentation is drawn from his book titled: Women Making War: Female Confederate Prisoners and Union Military Justice. His presentation focuses on one of those women, Drucilla Sappington

Dinner Menu

Milburn Golf and Country Club will serve the following meal at our dinner meeting: Boursin chicken, green beans, and roasted fingerling potatoes. Dessert will be bread pudding.  All dinners are served with house salad with Milburn house dressing, sliced bread, iced tea, water, and coffee.

September 2024

The scheduled speaker in September, Dr. Megan Bever had to cancel her speaking engagement because of illness. Dick Titterington graciously agreed to fill in as our speaker. Dick gave an excellent presentation about Union Brevet Brigadier General Edward F. Winslow of 
the 4th Iowa Cavalry. The title of Dick’s presentation was: “The Making of a Cavalryman.” Attendance at the September dinner meeting was 53.

Click here for a summary of Dick's program.

Honoring Our Members Who Are Veterans

As announced by Gary Nevius at the July dinner meeting, the Civil War Round Table of Kansas City plans to honor all of our members and their spouses who have served in the military. Prior to the dinner meeting Dr. Dan Cudnik, Jill Jaworski, Father Dave HollowayDave Pattison, and Gary Nevius met to develop a plan for honoring our veterans. The first step will be to e-mail all of our members, requesting that they provide information regarding their service if they are veterans. Members who have or had spouses that are veterans should also provide their spouse’s service information. The intent is to honor our veterans at the dinner meeting on November 20th.

2024 Civl War Wednesday Speaker Series

The Monnett Battle of Westport Fund is sponsoring a 2024 series of programs at the Westport Branch, Kansas City Public Library, 118 Westport Road, Kansas City, Missouri. There is no charge to attend. The programs are scheduled once a month from April through November. Click here to download a pdf of the program schedule.

Round Table Now Accepting Digital Payments

The Civil War Round Table of Kansas City now accepts digital payments via the Square digital payment processing service. This process is simple to use and secure. Square charges the Round Table a fee for this service. If you decide to use this service, we add this fee to the total charge. For more information, please refer to our Round Table Digital Payments page.

Book Auction

With apologies to our speakers, one of the highlights of each dinner meeting is the book auction led by Arnold Schofield.

Our monthly auction is on holiday for a while.

Newsletter Articles

Unveiling Ceremony of Historic Markers on the Battle of Westport Battlefield

In Memoriam (Archives)

Member News

We would like to welcome the following new members:

  • Terri Conner is an accountant and lives in Overland Park KS. She has Union ancesters from southwest Missouri and Confederate ancestors from the Appomattox area of Virginia.

  • Liz Edmundson is a Registered Nurse (RN) and lives in Kansas City MO. She is also a member of the Civil War Round Table of Western Missouri.

  • Tom Jones is retired and lives in St. Joseph MO. He has Union and Confederate ancesters and is primarily interested in the Trans-Mississippi region, the Missouri politcal split between radicals and conservatives, and emancipation.

It was good to see Arnold Schofield and his wife Clara at the July dinner meeting. 

It was also good to see Phil and Mary Griffin at the July dinner meeting. 

Photo from Past Meetings

Battlefield Dispatches

"Battlefield Dispatches" made its first appearance in the Border Bugle with the December 2005 issue. The column was later given the label, "The Sergeant Major’s Roar." Over time, the Round Table's Website Administrator will be slowly all the "Battlefield Dispatches" which have appeared in the Border Bugle. The website administrator will enhance Sgt. Maj. Arnold Schofield's column with images where applicable. Just click on the menu item, Sgt. Major's Roar, to see the progress.

Civil War Round Table of Kansas City
4125 NW Willow DR
Kansas City, MO 64116

Email:          New Membership Application          Membership Renewal Form
