President: Gary Nevius
First Vice-President: Deborah Buckner
Second Vice-President: Blair Hosford
Treasurer: Dick Titterington
Monthly Meeting Coordinator: Marlene Natoli
Corresponding Secretary & Recording Secretary: Judy Smith
Preservation Director: Arnold Schofield
Past President: Chip Buckner, Dan Dooley, Fr. Dave Holoway
Board of Directors: Les Thierolf, Blair Tarr, John Kussman
Chairman of Board Monnett Battle of Westport Fund (Ex-Officio): Daniel L. Smith
Sergeant at Arms: Lane Smith
Chaplain: Fr. David L. Holloway
Historian: Don Bates, Sr.
Border Bugle Editor: Dave Pattison
Website Administrator: Dick Titterington
Email: info@cwrtkc.org New Membership Application Membership Renewal Form