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Civil War Round Table of Kansas City
Arnold Schofield Bio

Arnold W. Schofield is a retired Public Historian with 50 years of public service. He was born and raised in the small village of Newton Upper Falls, Massachusetts, attended college on the GI Bill, and received a degree in United States History. His Public Service includes:

  • 6 years in the US Army,
  • 10 years as a civilian with the Department of Defense,
  • 33 years with the National Park Service, and
  • 7 years with the Kansas Historical Society, as Superintendent of the Mine Creek Battlefield State Historic Site.

His National Park Service career included tours of duty at Harpers Ferry National Historical Park, the Blue Ridge Parkway, and Fort Scott National Historic Site. While at Fort Scott he was the Site Historian and Cultural Resource Specialist.

Arnold is a recognized lecturer throughout the Midwest on Westward Expansion, the Permanent Indian Frontier, and Bleeding Kansas and the Civil War. Two of his special interests include the roles of the American Indians and African Americans in the Civil War.

Arnold has been involved with Civil War Battlefield Preservation for more than 40 years and is co-founder of the Mine Creek Battlefield Foundation, which has raised more than one million dollars, purchased 326 acres of prime battlefield land, reprinted the only book on the Battle of Mine Creek, assisted in the production of a video on the battle by Curtis Productions, and produced a brochure on Price’s 1864 Campaign in Missouri and Kansas.

Arnold and his wife Clara have been married for over 26 years and have one son, named Austin. They live in Fort Scott KS. Arnold also writes a column for the Fort Scott Tribune.

Here's a link to the video of a presentation given by Arnold Schofield at a Civil War Symposium ... 

The Civil War 150: Origins, Animosities and Legacies of the Missouri/Kansas Border Wars

Here's a link to some photos that appeared in the Wichita Eagle ... 

Arnold Schofield leading a battlefield tour at the Mine Creek Battlefield State Historic Site in Kansas.

Everyone is familiar with the Sergeant-Major's Battlefield Dispatches that appear regularly in The Border Bugle.

Here's a link to the "Battlefiel Dispatches" Arnold Schofield wrote for the Nevada Daily Mail.

Civil War Round Table of Kansas City
4125 NW Willow DR
Kansas City, MO 64116

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