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Civil War Round Table of Kansas City
Eric Wittenberg in the News

Eric J. Wittenberg

Eric J. Wittenberg will be a featured speaker at the November 2015 meeting of the Civil War Round Table of Kansas City when he will speak about the Battle of Brandy Station.

Recently, Mr Wittenberg was interviewed about preserving the Brandy Station Battlefield by the Emerging Civil War blog. Link to blog post interview. An excerpt ... 

“This has been a nearly thirty-year fight, and it’s been a fight almost every step of the way,” said cavalry historian Eric Wittenberg, who has been deeply involved in the preservation efforts. “Very little of this is done easily and very little of this is done without having a lot of stress and a lot of conflict.”

Mr. Wittenberg discusses the difficulties surrounding the acquistion of 28 acres of the battlefield on the north slope of Fleetwood Hill, the most critical part of the battlefield.

Eric J. Wittenberg's Author Page on

"Eric J. Wittenberg is an award-winning Civil War historian. A native of southeastern Pennsylvania, Wittenberg focuses on Civil War cavalry operations. He is the author of more than 15 published books. Wittenberg is a member of the Governor of Ohio's Advisory Commission on the Sesquicentennial of the Civil War, and also serves as the vice president of the Buffington Island Battlefield Preservation Foundation. He, his wife Susan, and their two silly golden retrievers live in Columbus, Ohio."

For more information about the Battle of Brandy Station, please visit the Civil War Trust's web page about the battle.

Mr. Wittenberg's most recent book is about Brigadier General John Buford. It's called "The Devil's to Pay": John Buford at Gettysburg. A History and Walking Tour. Here is a link to Amazon with other books by Eric J. Wittenberg.

Civil War Round Table of Kansas City
4125 NW Willow DR
Kansas City, MO 64116

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